Rednersville Expats

Steve Heidt in Nevis is not the first of those who have left Rednersville, and now look back at our website with fond memories. It's always good to hear from friends and neighbours who have moved to faraway places.
old news and other stuff you might find interesting
The Canadian Antiques Roadshow has the same principles as the British and American versions, including well-known appraisers from across the country, but features artifacts and memorabilia held by Canadian people. From thrift store finds to family heirlooms, and from coast to coast, Canadian people share the stories behind their objects, reflecting our diverse and multi-textured culture. Ultimately, the story is as important as the appraisal.The show's name is a bit of a misnomer, as it's not just about Canadian antiques, actually, as it is about antiques owned by Canadians, or with some other connection to Canada. You'll have to watch and see if anyone you know from the County gets on TV.